Why use salt? Salt lowers the temperature that water freezes at which can help with slick spots on the roads and sidewalks. Salt can be used before or after the snow and ice. We can help provide those services including the removal of snow. Removal of snow can provide easier and safer traveling methods.
When the next big snow storm hits, don't worry about being stuck inside or not being able to get your employees into work. Call us today to plan ahead. Then you won't have to worry about snow when it happens, we have your back!
There are different fertilizers, including lawn, plant, bulb, tree, and shrub. These fertilizers focus specifically on the best process for what you need. By using lawn fertilizer, you also ensure that your lawn will turn green more quickly after the harmful winter's frost. Plant fertilizer will make more vigorous plants, while bulbs will increase root growth. Tree and shrub fertilizer is crucial since we rake leaves which takes away their nutrients to have more nitrogen to help them grow.
Overall, to have the best-looking lawn on your street, you need to fertilize and have the necessary roots for your yard to shine!

A common misconception is silt fence being pronounced silk fence. The definition of silt is fine sand, clay or other materials carried off by running water and deposited as sediment. The purpose of silt fence is to block sediment from our water sources and only allowing the water to run through the fence while still trapping the silt. Silt fence is one of the numerous services we offer to developers and home builders to keep our water clean from any harmful materials. A common error we see with silt fence installation is not digging out deep enough to trap that sediment which can cause major issues in our storm water runoff. One thing Tobacco Rose does to help with this is by replacing any silt fence that has been damaged and we make sure to train our men on the way we want our silt fence to be installed.